
Mixer Seal Conversion From Single To Double Seal

2.50″ Lightnin Mixer Seal Conversion from Single to Double Seal Set Up

Seal has Silicon vs Silicon on product end. Stationary Silicon seat had cracked where it engaged an anti-rotation pin (Silicon is prone to this damage). The rotary Silicon had some pitting on lapped face. Both parts required replacing. Robco recommended upgrade to Tungsten Carbide for new stationary piece to eliminate any chipping issues. Rotary seat to stay as original Silicon. The outboard end of the mechanical seal had Carbon vs rotary Chrome coated face. The Carbon was worn and needed replacement. This repair job was carried out under emergency basis due to customer losing production. Seal was turned around in 5 business days. OEM had quoted 12 – 14 working days. Robco personnel delivered repaired seal to customer and oversaw installation and witnessed operation of seal to customers satisfaction.

Work Rendered For Conversion

2.50″ Lightnin seal sent in for conversion from single to double seal setup.

Original single seal with Carbon dust on all interior surfaces. Carbon vs Chrome coated product side stationary seat.

Mixer unit stripped ready for clean up, re-machine as required & polish on all o’ring sealing surfaces.

Original seal with Carbon deposits.

Lightnin mixer seal unit re-assembled & pressure tested to 80 PSIG for 20 minutes – no pressure drop.

Unit parts to be worked on.

New rotary double seal installed on shaft with new product end Tungsten stationary seat installed.