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A Guide to Maintaining CNC Machine Tools

CNC, short for Computer Numerical Control machines are a godsend for the manufacturing industry. Automation via this technique has made production of products and parts faster, cheaper, and more reliable than ever before. However, true to obsolescence, these machines can also fall into disrepair.

Here’s how we keep our CNC milling process in working order.

Scheduled Checks

Surprise checkups lead to surprise breakdowns, which only add to repair and maintenance expenses, never mind the massive losses incurred due to lost revenue. Therefore, we’ve made it a point to stay posted on our last scheduled checkup and leave an equal amount of time between each scheduled maintenance.

Moreover, we also jot down notes on all the problems—if any—our milling machine has been facing to detect patterns and evaluate overall performance. It is then that we’re able to decide if it needs a few tweaks or an entire replacement.

Friction Control

Machines that operate with CNC depend on hydraulic fluid and lubricants for smooth production, and by skid, we mean no skid or fretting between their moving parts. Therefore, on every scheduled maintenance, we replace our machine’s fluid with a new version of the same, and make sure it’s not running out unusually fast

Additionally, all the moving parts are lubricated to prevent premature wear and tear. Think of them like a treadmill: as long as you apply oil under the sides of the running belt, it’ll keep moving smoothly.

A CNC-Milled Industrial Part Composed of a Metal Alloy

Spare Parts

Sometimes, machines can fall into disrepair despite undergoing the most religious predictive maintenance. Usually, specific parts within that machine may need repairing, leading to downtime that could’ve been avoided had the manufacturer kept spare parts on hand for this very scenario.

By having the most vulnerable spares on standby, we’re able to get back up and running as soon as the faulty bits are replaced by brand-new ones.


The closer an old machine is to obsolescence, the higher its chances of costing you more in repairs and downtime. We’ve learned the hard way that cutting your losses when it’s still early days is the best call you can make for your production line.

While reselling it may only finance a fraction of the new machine, you’ll realize that investing in new tech far outweighs the miniscule gains to be had from old tech.

CNC Milling and Production in Texas

Our CNC machine can manufacture state-of-the-art stainless as well as titanium, Monel, Hastelloy, and Stellite alloys for all kinds of applications.

We also provide mechanical sealing solutions, like custom-designed seals, engineered sealing parts and emergency seal repair.

Get in touch at 1-800-662-0585 for countrywide mechanical seal repair and CNC milling and production.

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